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Profiting from Satyam !

The world is full of enterprising people with amazing creativity and ideas.

Remember the recent George Bush Shoe Incident? The demand for those Shoes and Shoe Replicas, Shoe Merchandise was phenomenal. 

Xtees.com, a T-shirt site, has come out with a Satyam range of T-Shirts. 

Atleast, someone from non-Raju family is profiting from Satyam. Assumption: Raju does not hold any stake in Xtees.com 🙂

5 Responses

  1. Sylvan

    Nice one man. For such other takes on Satyam, check out my blog at http://www.satyam-news.blogspot.com

  2. Pratik


    There is no dearth of creativity in India. When I saw the rhymes penned on him I also added few more from my side. You know the poetic side of mine

    I have posted the same on my blog.

    Personally i would not buy a T shirt promoting/showcasing unethical people.

  3. I am glad that your creative side is re-born. Another advantage of Satyam Scam !

  4. I have created some custom Satyam Tshirt. If you want to buy, let me know 😛

  5. Put it online Kartikbhai…